Chrysalis Editorial provides coaching services for clients with a variety of writing projects. Whether you live locally or remotely, we offer ongoing, one-on-one guidance to enhance your writing and to complete your writing project, whatever it may be (novel, short stories, memoir, non-fiction, book proposal, etc).
Even if you don’t have a particular project in the works, but would like to, our coaching services can offer structure, provide deadlines, tailored assignments, and critiques.
No matter what your project, we will help you:
Define your goals and then develop a plan and timeline to achieve them (whether you decide to complete a writing project, launch a blog or website, find an agent or publisher, or self-publish a book).
Establish and support your writing discipline.
Provide feedback, edit, and critique the work you produce on an ongoing basis.
Regularly meet with you in person, via Skype or Zoom, or by telephone.
Periodically assess your progress and shift strategy if you’re not achieving the desired results.
If you are working on a specific non-fiction project, you will receive assistance in everything from brainstorming and outlining your work to editing each page and chapter, as well as development of the proposal and author platform.
If you are working on a novel, memoir or short story collection, you will receive critiques on your project’s fictional elements (characters, plot, dialogue, voice, point-of-view, etc.) to help both you and your writing stay focused. You will receive feedback on each chapter or revision. We can also give you assignments to move your work along at the pace you want.
If you’re simply hoping to improve your writing (but don’t have a particular project in mind), we can provide you with exercises and prompts focused on the areas of your writing that need the most improvement. You will receive feedback and constructive criticism for each of your writing samples.
You can improve your writing no matter what your schedule or location. We can work with you in person or remotely, via email, telephone or Skype. We have Skyped with clients in Illinois, Vermont, California, D.C., and other parts of the U.S., not to mention in places as far flung as Italy and Holland.
Please note: Just as with a ghostwriter, the relationship that’s established with your writing coach is one of the keys to success. For this reason, we feel it’s critical to have an in-depth conversation with your potential coach before launching into a relationship. Obviously, with coaching the proof is in the pudding. You will discover over time if you’ve chosen the right person. And, remember, it’s never too late to switch gears.
Praise for Chrysalis Editorial
I decided it was time to write a book about my experience creating a jungle lodge, but I had no idea where to begin. It was clear from my first chat with Herta that her guidance would be invaluable for my journey as an author. Together, we considered the viability of my concept and created a timeline. Herta was not only a sharp and insightful editor, she also held me accountable to my goals. With her support I was able to stay focused, stick with it (through countless revisions!) and find my true voice and writing style. She pushed me to reach my full potential. After years of working on the manuscript, Chrysalis gave me resources for composing a strong proposal and finding the best publishing fit. Wildpreneurs was published by HarperCollins Leadership in February 2020!!! Holding the hardcover in my hands is a dream come true. Thank you Herta, I couldn’t have done it without you. -Tamara Jacobi, Author, Wildpreneurs
My experience with Herta has been rewarding. She has been thorough, supportive, encouraging, appropriately critical when needed, and always sought and been open to my ideas, thoughts, and direction in all the writings we have discussed. She will have played a major role in this writing journey when my work is published. - Roger Marum, PhD, Blogs about spirituality and psychology:
Herta helped me resurrect a book I started fifteen years ago. Due to her fabulous coaching, in very short order I have really managed to get some traction and wonderful results. She has kept me on point, brilliantly editing my work and making suggestions both large and small. Organization is not my middle name, so her ability to help me stick to deadlines and prioritize next steps has been invaluable. It all comes down to respect for the teacher, and I have the highest regard for Herta’s intellect, her writing abilities and her strength in editing and coaching. - Kathy Pasley, Writer, Depression: A Hurt in Your Soul and How to Heal It